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期刊投稿分析:STEM CELL REPORTS发表时间:2020-05-20 14:08 期刊名称:STEM CELL REPORTS 期刊中文名:《 干细胞报告 》 ISSN: 2213-6711 2018年影响因子:5.499,Q1 出版周期:12期/年 年发文量:260 出版公司:CELL PRESS, 50 HAMPSHIRE ST, FLOOR 5, CAMBRIDGE, MA 02139 USA出版 中国人发表情况:2018年发表中国论文50篇。 审稿周期:2.5月 期刊简介:Stem Cell Reports is an open access forum communicating basic discoveries in stem cell research, in addition to translational and clinical studies. Stem Cell Reports focuses on shorter, single-point manuscripts that report original research with conceptual or practical advances that are of broad interest to stem cell biologists and clinicians.Given the rapidly increasing impact of stem cell research to regenerative medicine and tissue engineering, Stem Cell Reports encourages the submission of manuscripts whose scope bridges these fields of research. The journal also encourages the submission of reports of robust new methodologies with biological significance and/or the potential to advance the application of basic research from the laboratory to the clinic. Stem Cell Reports promotes transparency in stem cell research and related fields of research through the publication of confirmatory findings, negative results, and adverse events. Stem Cell Reports covers: Embryonic stem cells; Adult stem cells; Reprogramming to pluripotency and lineage conversion; Directed differentiation; Germ cells; Genetic and epigenetic mechanisms; Stem cells in development; Stem cell niche; Cancer stem cells; Disease modeling and drug screening; Stem cell therapy; Clinical studies in regenerative medicine; Tissue engineering and biomaterials; Imaging and diagnostics; Stem cell products, manufacturing, and quality control; Ethical, legal, and social issues 期刊网站:https://www.cell.com/stem-cell-reports/home 投稿链接:https://www.editorialmanager.com/stem-cell-reports/default.aspx 收费情况:免费 |