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期刊投稿分析:MEDICAL SCIENCE MONITOR发表时间:2020-04-11 09:25 期刊名称:MEDICAL SCIENCE MONITOR 期刊中文名:《医学科学箴言》 ISSN: 1643-3750 2018年影响因子:1.98 出版周期:12期/年 年发文量:1058 出版公司:INT SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION, USA出版 中国人发表情况:2019年发表中国论文938篇。 平均审稿周期:2.85月 期刊简介:Medical Science Monitor is an international, peer-reviewed scientific journal that publish original articles in experimental and clinical medicine and related disciplines such as molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, biophysics, bio- and medical technology. 期刊网站:https://www.medscimonit.com/ 投稿链接:https://www.medscimonit.com/registration 收费情况:$2500 |